Concealed Carry MD/DE/AZ SEP 7th & 8th
16 Hours (2 Day) Includes Live Fire. -Saturday 9-7 from 9a-5p & Sunday 9-8 from 9a-5p
Service Description
Three Seven Tactical Multi-State concealed carry permit course, one low price! *Maryland residents who take this course can apply for their Maryland Wear and Carry and Florida or Arizona non-resident permit which gives them Delaware reciprocity. Maryland residents also get a FREE HQL if they take this course before processing their HQL application. *Delaware residents who take this course may apply for their Delaware permit and Maryland Non-Resident Permit. One course for one price in one weekend! This 16-Hour Course is a comprehensive course for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self-defense. This is a complete guide to understanding conflict avoidance and situational awareness; home security and home defense; handgun shooting fundamentals; the physiology of violent encounters; the legal aspects of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath); and a complete guide on gear, gadgets, and ongoing training. Also included is MD, DE, AZ Handgun permit Application requirements and the online process. There is a Live Fire component to this course requiring the student to qualify with a minimum of 70% on the range. Items needed for class: -Range Attire -Unloaded Firearm* -External Side Draw Holster* -Two Magazines (Minimum) -Ammunition - Target / Ball (150 rounds for Delaware and Maryland Qualifications) -Sturdy Belt to Secure Holster -Eye Protection -Hearing Protection -Lunch / Water -Note Pad and Pen *We will have a fingerprinting tech on site during the Course. Cost is $54.
Cancellation Policy
Purchase / Refund Policy If you register for a class (Firearms Training) and are guaranteed a seat, failure to attend will forfeit your Class Dues / Deposit. If there is a desire to reschedule and Three Seven Tactical has the availability, consideration will be given but not guaranteed due to class availability.
Contact Details
101 Courthouse Plaza Suite A, Elkton, MD 21921